today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

11:42 a.m.

home again, home again jiggety-jog� i didn�t get in until just after midnight last night, and boy, am i paying for it today. i�ve been trying to keep busy here at work so the day will go by faster and so i�ll stay awake better. i was asked to cover a home interview for someone today, and that will help me get out of the office sooner (and hopefully home sooner). i knew i was gong to get home late last night, but it�s so hard to leave my boy when i�m visiting him. i delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

the weekend was quite busy and went by all too fast. friday night, we had dinner with chris and tara at an overpriced thai restaurant. the food was good, but the service was extremely slow. after dinner, bill (aka my boy) and i went to the church hall where the reception for his sister�s wedding was to be held. the hall wasn�t open to us until ten p.m., so we had to work later than i would have liked. we helped his family set up tables and chairs, decorated, made centerpieces, unloaded vast quantities of food and alcohol, and stocked the refrigerators with said food and alcohol. i was pretty wiped out and somewhat grumpy by the time we finished; i fell fast asleep when we got home.

saturday was the day of the wedding. bill and i had the task of driving his grandma to the ceremony. i hadn�t met her before, but i was warned by several people that she�s, um, feisty and losing it. she�s definitely opinionated, i�ll say that much. i wasn�t sure whether or not she�d like me, but she said i could come over for tea sometime, so i guess that�s a good sign. the marriage ceremony was small and short (the best kind). after the ceremony, bill and i were �strongly encouraged� to go with the wedding party and some family to the rock garden at the RBG while the photographer took pictures of the wedding party. (we had to go �cause bill�s mom had paid for it, and i guess she wanted to get her money�s worth, which is understandable.) the rock garden was very pretty, but it hurt my feet to traipse around it in heels. unfortunately, it was an overcast, chilly day. there were three or four other wedding parties getting pictures taken while we were there, too. kind of makes one�s �special day� a little less special, i suppose. after those of us not getting our pictures taken had stood around long enough, we headed over to bill�s aunt�s house to sit for an hour or so and have a little something to eat. none of us had eaten since breakfast, and we were starving.

dinner was at a greek restaurant. it was really yummy. i haven�t had good greek food since�well, since i was in greece. it was lovely to get real tzatziki and not the ranch dressing hybrid one usually gets. there were about twenty-five of us all chowing down. it was quite nice and more intimate and casual than most wedding dinners. after we ate, bill�s grandma wanted to go home (or maybe everyone else wanted her to, i�m not sure), so we took her home, then made our way to the reception.

the reception was pretty fun. i think around 130 people were slated to show up, and it seemed like most of them did. we ate a little, danced a little, and drank a little more. the church was supposedly haunted, but we didn�t see any paranormal activity. we did explore the graveyard; many headstones dated back to the early 1800s. bill and i snuck up to the third floor to see what was up there. it was dark, and i was kind of scared, though i was disappointed we didn�t find anything good. (we made out instead.) at one point, we were returning from a walk by the lake right at the end of an interesting fight between bill�s aunt and her son�s girlfriend. i�m disappointed we missed the whole thing.

i was afraid we�d have to stay and help clean up after the reception was over, but luckily, bill�s brother wanted to leave, and he needed a ride to his car. the three of us hadn�t been home long when they got a call that grandma was wandering around and causing some trouble. bill and kevin went on a rescue mission while i got ready for bed. i fell fast asleep again later on and slept in sunday morning. i certainly needed it.

on sunday, bill and i attempted to spend some time alone together. we didn�t get to spend as much time as i would have liked, but i figured that this weekend was going to be hectic. next weekend is going to be another one�i�m probably going to help bill move into his new apartment. i am honestly not looking forward to it, but i�m dong it out of love (you hear that, sweetie?). it will be nice once he�s all settled into his new place. we�ll have more privacy, and the drive will be slightly shorter. i think after we finally do move in together, we should calculate how many total miles we�ve driven to see each other. i think i will cry when i see that number.

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