today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

3:41 p.m.

it�s national hospital week or something, so they�re giving free ice cream sundaes to the employees at my work today. since i work in a psychiatric hospital, i have paranoid thoughts that it�s some weird psychological experiment about morale and free snacks. well, for the record, i am still pissed about the health insurance situation here, but i�ll still take the free ice cream. with caramel, please.

today is the fabulous miss amy b�s birthday. we went to the indian buffet for lunch. i gorged myself, and that was before the ice cream, so i am quite uncomfortable right now. it was worth it, though. curry is always worth it.

at 7.30 this morning, i had a phone call from a woman i�d interviewed for a study a few weeks ago. i had gone to her house on a saturday and stayed for four hours. even then, we still didn�t finish the interview because she was so chatty. she called me this morning and told me that the problems with her son were increasing, and she was at the end of her rope. she had already placed a call in to her son�s therapist, so i really think she just needed someone to talk to. i listened sympathetically for about fifteen minutes, then i told her that i�d call her back at 10 to see if the therapist called her back. by 10, she still hadn�t received a call, so i told her just to talk to anyone at the agency, even if it was just for herself because she sounded like she needed someone to talk to. i was on the phone with her for about a half an hour that time. i felt bad that i couldn�t do more for her, but i can�t give her any clinical advice. the only thing i could do was make sure she and her son weren�t in any danger, tell her to get help, and listen to her. it�s hard for me not to get too caught up in some of these women�s problems sometimes. i suppose if i did this sort of thing long enough, it wouldn�t bother me as much, but it�s only been a year and a half or so that i�ve been on this study. i�m still a rookie, i guess.


quotes of the day:
(overheard on the bus by quotesleuth amy b)

"my teacher said, 'what do you want your future to be, penn state or state pen?' that's deep, dog, i almost cried. i don't want to go to jail. i got a big butt."

first one: yeah, well i'm from wisconsin.
other one: no way you from wisconsin.
first one: i was born in madison, wisconsin.
other one: no way, dog. ain't no black folk in wisconsin.

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