today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

12:28 p.m.

it was a good weekend. for some reason, i am feeling very calm today, and i am not the only one who has noticed it. i can't imagine why i would be feeling so calm, since i have a lot of stress in my life, and my doctor has started to wean me off of my anxiety meds, but i'll take any calm i can get.

saturday was becca's Wedding Extravaganza. i left my place early saturday morning to drive to johnstown first to pick up jenny. the leaves are just starting to turn colors, so it was very pretty. the next stop after johnstown was the target in the bustling metropolis of altoona. we met kevin there, since he and jenny hadn't bought their wedding gifts yet. after a quick shopping trip and leaving my car at kevin's, we were off to huntingdon.

huntingdon is a very small town in central PA. if the college wasn't there, it would be in big trouble. we met up with kristen and a couple other people for lunch and gossip, did a quick drive-by of the campus (it's small, so it didn't take long), and we were off to the wedding.

we were extremely curious about what this wedding would be like. it isn't often that one debates what to wear to a wedding. we each wore casual clothes and brought a nice set with us. kevin stayed in his casual clothes, but jenny and i felt obligated to change. we saw people in shorts and sandals and people in suits, so i guess we fit in no matter what. the groom wore converse, and the bride wore a wedding dress she got at an antique store for $25.

it was at an outdoor lodge type place on a lake. i felt like i was at a picnic/class reunion that just happened to have a wedding ceremony. it was very relaxed and DIY, but it was a lot of fun, especially since i got to see friends i hadn't seen in years. oh yeah, the fisher-price people on top of the wedding cake were a nice touch, too. and the pinata.

sunday was quite the opposite kind of day. i mostly stayed home and took care of things i'd been neglecting around the house. it was very nice just to have a day to myself to relax.

so, somehow i found myself elected to the affirmative action committee at work. i really don't know how this happened. i mean, there was an election, and i was on the ballot because i am a staff member, but still... i only voted for people i don't like. i hope that's not how i got elected. now i have the task of trying to find out what the hell the affirmative action committee is. so far, i have not receved a satisfactory answer. i guess it will look good on the old resume, however.

i got my raise letter in the mail on saturday. i just love how fucking generous the university is. i am going to be getting an extra fifty-two dollars a month now. what a joke. it's insulting.

so, today a group of boys who looked about sixteen asked winfrey and i if we wanted to have pizza with them. bitch that i am, i told them no because they were twelve. they were leering at us anyway.


quotes of the day:

"i wonder if it's posible to shoot pudding out of your nose." -amy e

"i want a hot wing." -becca, ten minutes after getting married

"kumbayelvis." -andy b, attempting to explain the fusion of rock music playing inside the lodge and acoustic guitar hippies outside of it

me: smells like cows.
kevin: it's not just cows. their asses, too


np: mono "the outsider"

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