today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:24 a.m.

yesterday, i overheard someone describing the movie fargo as being "boring." i think the humor was possibly too sophisticated for this person. he looked more like a jim carrey fan.

today, the janitor of "shooky ducky quack quack quack" fame told me that my hair was "neat." (a compliment is a compliment, right?) "how do you get it to do that?" he asked me. "just wash it and go," i replied. that's one of the things i love best about my hair. i'd hate to have to spend inordinate amounts of time fixing it every day. my curls are all wild from the wind today. i have a couple of cute little star clips in it, too. fabulous!

i really don't have anything intelligent to say right now. that seems to be a theme lately.


time for this week's friday five. just for the record, i don't make these up; i get them from somewhere else. i just think they're fun.

1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma?
i experienced the fun and torture of orthodontia until i was 16. as for other teeth trauma, i've had 11 teeth pulled (i have a small mouth), and i cracked a tooth on my tongue piercing.

2. Ever broken any bones?
i fractured a bone in my right hand a couple of years ago. had a cool purple cast that i made everyone sign.

3. Ever had stitches?
i had stitches in my left hand in august from when my sister stabbed me. (what a fun experience)

4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars?
small one on my hand from the stitches, a few chicken pox scars, a gray dot on my left knee from being poked with a pencil in 7th grade.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
i am forcing myself to stay home tonight to work on my thesis. tomorrow, i have to do an interview for work, then going to see a play that night. sunday, it's off to grandma's 'cause she's coming back from florida (and i need to do laundry).

happy imbolc!

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