today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:13 a.m.

i really must be ill. i went to ikea last night and didn't buy anything. the manager took me aside and asked me if i was all right. (ok, i made that last part up.)

then we went to the craft store, and i acted like an immature idiot, as usual. no wonder people think i'm younger than i am. i was standing in the checkout line, casually wearing a basket on my head like a hat and chatting with amy, when a customer came up and asked me where the candy molds were. he said i looked like a likely person to ask. (?) i asked him if he was sure he wanted to ask me, but i actually knew where they were. so the moral of that tale is either "don't assume that people wearing baskets for hats don't know where the candy molds are" or "courtney needs to learn how to act in public." take your pick.

and since it's friday, here's today's friday five...

1. What did you want to be when you grew up? when i was young, i wanted to be an art teacher. as a teenager, i wanted to be like jane goodall. since we have already established that i am not a grown-up, my next goal is to "f public health" (as kristi would say) and become a spy.

2. Do you have any nicknames? usually court. occasionally, i'll get mail addressed to space girl. my family has some interesting and unique names for me that i will not print here. and for some reason, people just love saying my entire name in a weird voice.

3. If you could change something about yourself what would it be? perfect eyesight.

4. Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial? hell no.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? i'm having a par-tay tonight. tomorrow is my sister's work party, and on sunday, we're celebrating xmas and my sister's birthday with my mom's side of the fam. and for extra added fun, i'm going to the dentist later today!!

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