today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:15 a.m.

so... got the old car back yesterday. i still don't like the way it drives, but that is because MY CAR IS A PIECE OF SHIT. yes. thank you. whine rant whine rant.

i also got a haircut last night. this is a big event for me. i haven't had a haircut in almost a year and a half. why, you ask? (and even if you didn't ask, i'm gonna tell you anyway.) well, number one, i'm cheap about certain things. i can't see paying $30 just to get a trim. i don't even need my hair styled or blown out or anything, so to me, that's too much money. and number two, i hate hate hate getting my hair cut. it's quite traumatic for me. i have extremely low self-esteem, and my hair is my only feature that i like, so i'm always afraid that they'll cut too much off (which i'll admit is pretty hard because my hair is, or was, nearly to my waist). but constant hair dying does do damage, so i decided to get 4 inches cut off. and i guess it looks not much different...but in my obsessive-ness, i think it's too short.

today, me and some others in my women in international development class are presenting at a women in the environment conference. we just have poster presentations, but it should be good and interesting. we just have to stand around and answer questions and whatnot. the title of kristi's and my project is "bottle-feeding vs. breast-feeding in the philippines: a proposal to introduce health education and promotion." we are so public health. it's almost scary sometimes, really. soemtimes when i'm explaining something to someone, i'll start spouting off all these clinical and technical terms and jargon, and i'll just have to stop because i really sound like i know what i'm talking about, and it frightens me. then there's most of the time... i'll get asked something like, "what is public health," and i'll start twitching and drooling because i can't answer it.

yes, i think i've had too much sugar this morning. we had donuts here. i do love donuts (not the cake kind because they're nasty), but they are way too sugary for the a.m. now i must go make use of all this extra energy and actually do some work.


quotes of the day:

"he's a bow-tie guy...he's a sixty-year-old, bert-y guy, and look at him! he's living in sin!" -katie, my boss

"so i've been steaming my food with cat spit?" -molly

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