today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:44 a.m.

i always seem to update around this time of day. it just happens that way. i get to work about 8.30...check the ol' interweb a bit...maybe go downstairs to evil starbucks and get a hot choco...find some good music...and before i know it, an hour or so has passed. it's a good time for me to update this here diary boss isn't in yet, no officemate yet either, and i haven't yet passed out from sugarshock from my powerpuff girls poptarts. tommorrow i must switch back to professional mode, as i have just been informed that i have to go to a lecture and take "as detailed notes" as i can. the title is "effectiveness, transportability, and dissemination: what matters when"! come know you're jealous and are dying to go. i'm just hoping that there are a lot of people there so i can just kind of hide in the crowd. it's in an auditorium, which is always a good sign. i just have no idea what this lecture is supposed to be about. well, surprises are good...right?

had a fun time at kathleen's last night. i was a rockin' fairy princess (i nixed the wings, though...they get in the way). silver streaks in my hair, a bit o' glitter on my face, tiara, wand, and fabulous shimmery lavender ball gown-type skirt that i got super-on-sale last year. i wore my skull jammie bottons underneath. the food was yummy, and the company was great. kathleen's girlfriend, eve, invited her friends, too, so the event was not dominated by public health students. (we tend to dominate sometimes; a frequently asked question at our gatherings is "so, are you a public health person, too?")

we were going to try to catch the thrill kill kult show tonight, but amy b has too much to do. it's fine with me...i'd like to be home at least one night this week. (well, i'll be home after class. and after amy e and i get dinner and cause mischief.) i think i need to stop eating out so much.

and hallmark needs to quit making such cute stickers so i can quite wasting my money on them. i swear, i'm every marketer's dream...just make something cute and/or glittery, and i'll buy it. no wonder i'm poor.


my top 5 costumes of halloweens past:

1. alien ant from outer space
this was a costume of my dad's creation. he read a bit too much sci-fi when he was a young'un. i was about 4 or 5 at the time. i wore a gray leotard and had a set of fake pincers strapped around my waist. my mask was a huge gray papier-mache thing with a scary mouth, horns, and eyes that lit up (made from those panty hose eggs). we made it to one house that year. my neighbor told me i was scary, and i started to cry and refused to trick or treat any more.

2. aunt jemima
yep, my parents were cruel and unusual. i was 3 or 4 for this one. i had a pillow under my shirt, wore an apron and kerchief, carried a spatula, and had my face colored brown with rosy cheeks. hello? racial stereotype?

3. space girl
this was when i was 22 and lived in new york. lots of glitter, fake silver eyelashes, silver boots, ray! friends sill call me space girl...i'd even sign into meetings that way (i was a VISTA, they expected these things from us).

4. wednesday addams
i look scary in pictures with this one. i carried a huge knife. i was 20 and living in greece then. i was in a big house with 23 others my age...we trick or treated to each other's rooms.

5. raggedy ann
it was actually a really cute yarn wig and everything. my dad did really good makeup, as usual (he's a great artist). i think i was 7 or so.


happy 30th birthday, katrina!

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