today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:24 a.m.

almost had a freak-out this morning when i realized i forgot my keys inside my apartment. but by some stroke of luck, i had a working extra on me. i may have had a breakdown if i had locked myself out. (well, probably not, but i like to be dramatic.)

and the bus almost sideswiped a teeny little convertible this morning. oh, the joys of public transportation.

i think i did really really bad on my midterm last night. we were tested on all the readings we've done thus far (a lot), so it was read and regurgitate time. it would much rather have written a paper on them. so far, i feel like i've learned nothing about "children and families at risk." it's an elective class, so all i really have to do is pass. (i'm getting my master's in public health.) there are two kinds of people when it comes to test time: those who study right up until the test is handed out and those who just want to get it the hell over with (and chat with their cohort about what they did instead of studying). guess which group i'm in?

ran into kathleen after class, and she gave me a ride home. it's so nice to live near friends now (and not just for rides home). got to see pics of her adorable "russian baby."

today, i'm cutting out of work early so molly and i can go to the art gallery. we're going to see pictures of naked people. and it's art! we've been trying to get to this exhibit for weeks now, and today's pretty much the last day that i can go. the last time we attempted it, the gallery was closed because of a subway fire (it's above the station).

well, perhaps i should start earning my paycheck now. i get to redesign a domestic violence survey so that the results will actually mean something!


sidenote: congratulations to simon for moving to the US and getting married!


quotes of the day:

"if the steelers would have won, i could have studied for this test" and "your hair matches your shirt! how did you do that?" -romie, one of my classmates (i may have misquoted the first one...i have no idea whether or not the steelers won.)

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