today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

1:53 p.m.

it has not been a productive day in the world of work. but it's not my fault. really. spent all morning in meetings...a faculty meeting and a research interests meeting for doctoral students. i am neither a faculty member nor a doctoral student, but my boss would like me to be. so i went. i did discover that the dean of this school is known as the "love doctor" because he wrote a book on dating and reltionships. the old dean i worked under was just known as a jerk. so i suppose this is an improvement.

had a nice lunch with shelli yesterday. we had indian food, and i got caught up on gossip from my old place of employment. seems they're getting a lot of calls about bioterrorism there, and the secretaries aren't sure what to tell people. i don't think this is an effective public health strategy, but, hell, what do i know?

i cut out of work early, as usual, and molly picked me up. andrew took a break from his dissertation nightmare to make a special guest star appearance in our art gallery trip downtown. the exhibit was called "naked". it was, well, photographs of naked people. one photographer had people lying all over the street, another had them hanging out (literally and figuratively) at home, and another artist had a man ice skating naked. it was an okay exhibit. i expected it to have more works in it, and maybe more of a variety. i do like photography, especially when the artist uses an interesting technique. (i have to point out that i know nothing about taking good photographs. i'm lucky i can use a camera.)

we rounded off the evening by getting cambodian food (a bit of a change from my usual thai, ha ha) and watching a taped episode of "six feet under." i love that show. it's enough to make me get cable.

i've got to start getting ready for my weekend of rock stars and culture. amy and i are headed to baltimore on friday to see u2 and garbage, then to dc for the rest of the weekend. if anyone out there knows of any good places to go in either city, i'd love to know about them. i'm looking forward to going...i haven't really been away since july. my grandmother is paranoid about me going to dc, but i'm not worried. maybe i'll have an interesting story to tell.


quotes of the day:

"what should i do now? t-bone grampa?" -molly

"don't be down on my teapot." -me, "i'm not down on your teapot. i'm down with your teapot." -andrew

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