today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

11:54 a.m.

my day thus far...

6.30 am: wake up. cat stares at me and starts to smack my face.

6.40 am: haul my ass out of bed. make myself look somewhat presentable.

7.35 am: decide i should take the later bus in to work. (do not play my usual games of "find courtney's shoes!" and "where the hell are my keys?") continue to watch the "today" show and feel like chucking something large at the tv every time the words "white powdery substance" are used.

8.07 am: walk to bus stop. hang out with neighborhood children who are waiting for school bus.

8.12 am: ride bus. guy carrying 3 boxes of slides stares at me almost entire way. pretend to be interested in "scenery" outside. man next to me is reading book with lots of big words.

8.50 am: run into boss by elevators. informs me we have a 9 am meeting.

9.05 am: sit through meeting about community collaborations and infrastructure. or something. wish i wore something more professional-looking and that doesn't reveal so many tattoos. notice people looking at the brightness of my hair.

9.45 am: edit a paper about single parents and check email infinite times.

11.15 am: decide it would be more efficient to use work time to run personal errands (instead of using lunch hour, which is designated study-for-exam-because-i-didn't-this-weekend time). go to post office to mail package to poland (hi, kittycat!) and to bank to deposit refund check for car insurance company. (apparently i am a safer driver now that i'm 25. heh. obviously they've never driven with the road rage queen.) dodge undergraduates who have no concept of hallway/elevator etiquette.

11.45 am: call molly to schedule time when we can go see the "naked" exhibit at the art gallery. debate merits of the cornbread at the restaurant valhalla.

11.55 am: update diary. think about lunch. (the domestic goddess made kick-ass egg salad yesterday while rocking out to sonic youth and wearing her cool jammies with the skulls on them. i'm such a geek.)

isn't my life fun? thrilling? exciting? no?


quote of the weekend:

"you better talk nice to me, or i'll hit you in the mouth with the yucky mouse." -my grandma to my aunt (note: "yucky mouse" is what we call my cat's favorite toy, a ratty, gray plush mouse with pink ribbon "tail" that has a smashed bell at the end. yucky mouse has no eyes left and is crusty with dried cat spit. it's not to be confused with the other mice in kitty's collection: sparkle mouse, raver mouse, drag queen mouse, acid-wash mouse, and the pair of tacky mice.)

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