today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

5:15 p.m.

i meant for today to be a productive day, i really did. i was going to get lotsa database stuff done and do an interview and la la la. but we all know that what we plan and what actually happens are two different things entirely. i woke up late today on purpose. (okay, i woke up at the time when i am actually supposed to be at work, but whatever.) i discovered that marcin was online, and since he is way way far away in poland, and i hardly ever get to talk to him anymore, i had to chat with him in between getting ready for work and paying attention to my poor, love-starved cat. so by the time i rolled into work, it was almost 10.30. (insert brag about flexibility of job here) then my old boss called�she is extremely chatty, so i was on the phone for a while. then there was email to check, lunch plans to iron out, and my boy to talk to. between all of that, i managed to make one table in Access.

now, i�m not complaining. it�s all much more interesting and fun than my original plans, and yes, it is my own damn fault. besides, everyone at work seems to think i am so gosh-darn productive. as molly said, "who sets the bar for that?" because i know that i could be doing more. but if people are satisfied with my current level of productivity, well, who am i to argue? if i ignore the occasional twinges of guilt, i am okay.

anyway. after i was finished admiring my table, i glanced at the time. oops, time to go fetch molly for lunch. i gorged myself on sushi. it was divine. molly and i always have good talks, too. so, by the time we got back to our respective places of employment, it was practically time for me to go do another interview.

now i see where my productivity goes.

here comes the complaining. (you knew it was on its way.) i am crampy and achy and bloated and my tummy is grumpy. thank you. being a girl sure is fun sometimes.

much of my ache is from yoga class last night. i swear it was the hardest class ever. my teacher had us attempting poses that bodies were not meant to attempt. i wasn�t going to go to class at all, but the boy (which is his official diaryland name, apparently) told me he was going to drive down from canada and drag my by my ankles to class if i didn�t go, so what choice did i have? (okay, i am exaggerating. he was going to drag me by my wrists.) i�m glad i went, though. i�ve been very sluggish lately and needed to get some movement.

and i honestly like the ache that comes from physical activity. it means that i�ve used my body for what it�s for. it�s amazing to me what my body can do now. i know this comes as a shock to you all, but i have always been very, um, non-athletic. you know, picked last for teams (except kickball. because damn can i kick.), prayed that the volleyball wouldn�t get hit in my direction, cowered in fear when it was my turn at bat. i hated running, was uncoordinated at tennis, and�you get the picture. but in the past few years, i�ve found physical activity that i enjoy and can do well. i love the feeling i get when i strap on my rollerblades, push off, and find a skating rhythm with my body. i love watching the scenery flow past me when i�m on my bike. and i love twisting and bending and stretching my body in yoga (even when the results are painful). i can see a vast improvement in not only my physical body but also my mental state. i can do things now in yoga class that i couldn�t do when i started. i feel a sense of pride when i can do something better than most people in the class. i still can�t think of myself as sporty or any of that, especially when i have friends that run marathons and climb mountains, but i can think of myself as active and healthy, and it�s a damn good feeling to have.

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