today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

10:15 a.m.

i should be doing a million things at work right now, including designing a stupid flier to recruit people for my study. (talk to us about food! earn $20!) but it's been a long time since i've written a proper entry.

there are many things that i wanted to say and to write about, but of course they've floated out of my ears or gotten tangled in my dendrites. or something.

part of the reason for my diary neglect is work and general life business. work is still keeping me occupied and mostly off the streets. (except when i am being mean to people at panera.) there is always too much to do around the holidays, too. presents to buy and wrap, decorations to put up, parties to attend, treats to make, cards to's been fun and interesting this year, but i won't be overly upset when it's over.

we are having a secret santa in my office suite. i'm finding it rather weird. there are a good number of us in cubeland, and we don't all know each other. so the laws of probability are causing most of us to buy for or recieve from people we don't know. to add to the weirdness, we each had to make a list of three things that we want. what is the point? we might as well all just keep our ten to fifteen dollars if there isn't much surprise or fun involved. people are putting the strangest things on their lists...they're asking for bottles of red wine, DVDs, food choppers, space heaters for under their desks. i kid you not. these are the kinds of things i'd ask my family for, not coworkers. all i want is a gift certificate to evil starbucks so i can get some hot chocolate once in a while.

i had another glamourous, jet-set trip to my home away from home (aka canada) last weekend. okay, maybe it wasn't quite so glamourous or jet-set, but it was a hell of a lot of fun anyway. on friday, i got to get dressed up and consequently freeze my ass off to go to my boy's xmas party for work. we ate a ton of food and laughed at the most amusing cover band i've ever seen. on saturday, we went down to niagara falls, froze to death again, then had din-din served by an extremely annoying waitress. she praised our beverage choices as "excellent." um, we ordered a coke and coffee, not vintage wine. i planned on leaving on sunday but became extremely procrastinatory (if that wasn't a word before, it is now). here's a paraphrased conversation that took place while we were watching tv:

c: it's six o'clock. i should leave soon.
b: okay.
[time passes, we don't move]
c: it's seven-thirty...hey, aren't the simpsons on soon?
[more time passes, still no movement off the couch]
b: it's nine o'clock. are you going to be okay to drive home?
c: no. can i stay?
b: of course. let's go get donuts and smoke pot.
c: right on.

so i emailed in to work "sick" on monday, and only felt a small twinge of guilt.

you should all feel bad for me because i have had no water in my bathroom since about 11.30 last night. it is not fun to wash up at the kitchen sink.

oops...almost time for a meeting.


quote of the day:

"i forgot how much i like celery." -overheard in the hallway

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