today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

1:26 p.m.

i am having a passive-aggressive war with my next-door neighbor. first, some background on this guy. his name is tim; i like to call him "the loser who lives next door to me." i can't tell how old he is, but he looks at least five years older than me. he has a california license plate on his car. however, he hasn't driven said car since at least the spring. he rides his bike everywhere. now, i am all for that--it's healthy, good for the environment, etc. i do think people who ride their bikes everywhere in -57 degree weather have some issues, though. anyway, he is home at odd hours; i can't tell if he works or what. he has a cat. he is in the bathroom more often than is normal. i know this because his bathroom is on the other side of my bedroom wall, and i can hear the shower and the fan (nothing else, thank god). he takes showers at odd hours, like 4 AM. i can't figure him out, but anyway.

our apartments take up the top floor of the house. our doors are on the opposite sides of the small landing at the top of the stairs. sometimes, he will leave a bag or two of garbage out there until he takes it outside. i find that pretty gross. i don't want to see or smell someone else's garbage, but i deal with it.

if i leave something out there, he gets pissy. for example, if my shoes are wet or dirty, i will leave them outside of my door. everytime loser boy passes them, he kicks them. so i move them closer to his door and leave them there extra-long.

this summer, winfrey's parents gave me an old box fan. the box was dirty, so i leaned it on the wall outside of my door with the intention of bringing it in when i found a place to put it. but again, loser boy objected to my stuff there, so he propped the box in front of my door every chance he got. you can guess what i did next. that box lived in the hall for a long time.

how are my shoes and an empty, dusty box worse than stinky garbage? (my shoes don't smell, btw) i won't even get into the way loser boy kicks my doormat and makes tons of noise bringing his stupid bike up and down the stairs, scaring my cat. oh, and he listens to (usually) stupid music really loudly.

i've been living in apartments for quite some time now. i can usually deal with the usual living-with-other-people-annoyances. but when people start getting stupid and petty like that, well, i get stupid and petty right back. it's immature, i know...but it is entertaining. and really, i'm amused more than anything.

faithful readers might remember this guy as the one who had a fit about the front door not being locked. this guy needs to find better things to worry about. until then, my shoes are staying in the hallway.


quote of the day:

"don't they have ugly people in majorettes now? isn't there affirmative action or something?" -my old boss, gloria

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