today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

10:41 a.m.

ugh. just got out of a boring boring meeting. we have these meetings every monday morning. i think they're about infrastructure and community collaboration and mental health centers. i'm really not sure what my role in this whole thing is, as i was kind of thrown in halfway. so i attempt to nod and look knowledgable and look over drafts of proposals. truth is, i have no idea what the heck they're talking about sometimes when they spout off theories and frameworks. (they're all psychiatry and social work, and my background is biology and public health) i'm too proud (or shy) to ask questions, so i muddle through. i usually zone out in meetings, anyway...i wake up and find that i'm still staring at someone who stopped talking 5 minutes ago.

friday night, the ever-fabulous ms. amy b. and i went to check out my friend's band. they were playing in an obscure place in a not-so-good part of town. after driving around a bit, we found it, and it was pretty cool. it looked like an old hotel lobby or something. the organizers had candles and jack-o-lanters all over. the first band, glow in the dark, went on 2 hours late because their mummy costumes took longer then they'd anticipated to put on. they played kind of horrorcore music...they could've used some vocals, we thought. the next band, the jive family, sounded like they'd be good when they were warming up--jazzy and funky. wrong! during their set, each person sounded like they were playing a different song. we couldn't wait for them to finish. grand buffet finally came on at 1.30, and i loved them, as usual. i can't even begin to describe their style to you, the uninitiated. they toured with wesley willis this summer, if that gives you any indication.

i like going to shows like that, where there's maybe 40 people just hanging out on couches and chairs and chatting. the music may not be the best, but it's something different, and after a while, you see familiar faces in different places. (and food at the same dive diner afterwards is also a highlight.)

saturday, i had to go over to my cousin's for dinner. i didn't not want to go, but i wasn't terribly looking forward to it, either. my sister was going to be there, and since i hadn't talked to her in a month, i thought it was going to be awkward. i'm not as angry as i was before, but i need time away from her. we lived together for two years, and a lot happened during that time. it turned out to be a good time, though. when my family gets together, we always laugh a lot. we have offbeat senses of humor, which i love.

there was talk about going to a big halloween party saturday night, but none of our group of friends felt like going for various reasons. i was just as glad. i'd been planning on spending a quiet weekend at home, anyway, so i went to bed with harry potter saturday night. (literary tramp that i am.)


quotes of the day:

"first time i get off this continent, and where do i go? albania!" -amy b.

"the people at my work hated me. they wouldn't even buy glasses off me." -lead singer of the jive family, who never did say what his job was

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