today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

9:45 a.m.

adventures in public transportation

episode #573: courtney strikes fear in the hearts of fellow passengers

so we're packed into the bus like sardines yesterday afternoon, which i normally hate because i can't be that close to that many strangers at once. (human contact! ew! ew!) i was standing up, clutching at a pole to keep from falling over as the bus lurched down the street. trouble was, no matter where i had my hand, the kid next to me decided he wanted to lean against the pole in the same spot. i was getting highly annoyed (which isn't unusual for me)...then he decided to lean his whole goddamn body against the pole. so i put my hand high on it. wouldn't you know it? he leans his freaking head back, so i move my hand a bit so his head goes forward. (okay, so i was rougher than that, but i was pissed by then.) he turns and laughs nervously a little and says, "i thought you were going to hit me or something. you looked like you were going to haul off and punch me." i calmly told him, "when you lean against the pole like that, i have no place to put my hand." now, that's a clue right there. number 1, move your ass, and number 2, i'm obviously pissed, so quit talking to me. but no--he keeps talking about it and god knows what else. something about how people should be nicer to each other. ok...if you want to be nice to me, just leave me the fuck alone. so i ignore him, which prompts, "you know i'm talking to you, right?" and "bad day, huh? i had a bad day, too." no, actually, i had a lovely day until you started harassing me on a bus full of people. grrr.

i know i was being way too unecessarily bitchy, but i was just not in the mood. that's the thing about me...i can be sweet as can be to strangers sometimes, but if something sets me off, i can be the biggest bitch ever. i think i need prescription meds. (note: i did not have pms or any other hormonal imbalances that i know of. but just wait 'til next week!!!)


dear amelia explained the scanner issue to me (i'm an idiot, basically), so here are a couple of u2 pics. they are very poor quality. you have been warned!!


the edge


quotes of the day:

"i thought you were in pain, but you're just eating health food." -bernie g, dean extrordinaire

"if your dog's opening your mail, you have bigger problems than anthrax." -monica

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