today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

1:02 p.m.

interesting news today at the workfront. i will probably be transferred to the the psych institute. professionally, of course. i haven't gotten that bad mentally yet. right now, i work at the university in the school of social work, but the grant projects that i work on are jointly in social work and in the psych institute. my boss doesn't like the atmosphere in the school, so she wants to move us to the institute. i'm not quite sure how i feel about it. it's definitely a more motivated, research environment. i'd be working, however, for the university's medical center (amy b and i refer to it as the "evil empire" because that's what it is). my benefits would be pretty much the same, except i won't be able to get onto the bus or into museums for free. at least i'm finished with school, so i don't have to worry about losing my tuition benefits. that may be a factor in my decision to get my PhD, though. it's a lot to think about.

oh yeah, when i move over there, i'll lose my office here and be stuck in cubicle land. i'll miss my office. i'll get a cool security badge, though, and no more undergarduates littering the hallways.

pros, cons.

my boss asked me what i thought of it this morning, and i appreciate that she asks me for feedback, but i'm sure the decision is already made. one more thing: they're going to create a position for me over there, and i will be making more money. that is fine by me.


my weekend was fun. i drove up to johnstown on saturday for amy e's brother's wedding. it was very nice. the ceremoney was blissfully short. before the wedding, i met up with jenny and kevin, friends from college, and we had lunch. i always like hanging out with those two. i end up laughing a lot.

on sunday, i went to my dad's for a picnic. he had invited a lot of his friends, which resulted in me having no one to talk to. i was bored by all the talk about guns and related topics. after a while, i was surprised to discover that one of his young-ish friends recently took up mountain biking and yoga and is eating healthy. i was pleased to find some common ground with someone.

monday, i went rollerblading, got some sun, and sat on my porch with kitty to catch up on some things for work. it was a very domestic scene: kitty sleeping in the sun by the flowers and me at the table with my laptop, kids running around in the alley below. such a nice, relaxing day.


quotes of the day:

"who the hell knows what 140 millimeters looks like? what's wrong with inches?" -my father's inbred friend mark

"no way you sprang from my loins." -my father, upon seeing the "chuck d for president" sticker on my car


I'm a Heretic!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation

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