today the glitterbomber is...
The current mood of glitterbomb at

100 things
100 more things
links and rings
other people

did you miss anything?
close of 2003 - 2003-12-31
georgian grapes? in russian wine? - 2003-12-29
i'm gonna wash that database right outta my hair - 2003-12-23
acetone and toluene - 2003-12-22
grilled cheese in my future - 2003-12-21

10:21 a.m.

things seldom happen the way you think they will.

yesterday, amy b and i were both feeling out of sorts at our respective places of employment. so we did the only natural thing: we decided to leave early for some retail therapy. i had a car check-up appointment at seven, so we thought we had plenty of time to do what we needed to do. we met up at about 3.30 and caught the bus to my place to pick up my car.

amy always thought i was exaggerating about the surreal circus that is my bus. yesterday, she found out i wasn't exaggerating. she got the full-on 61A experience. everyone was in effect: the schizophrenics, the random old people, the woman sitting up front telling standers to move because they were "in her face." the bus driver was even ordering people around. "if you need to get to the front of the bus, say 'excuse me,'" he announced on the intercom, "and if you see someone pulling the cord without getting off the bus, break their arm." amy was laughing hysterically. i wore my patented "what the hell is going on?" expression.

we managed to escape unscathed from the bus, got to my place, then discovered that katrina needed a ride home from work. so it was off to the women's shelter to fetch her. after depositing katrina at her place, we headed to amy's so she could take care of her dog. at this point, it was 5.30, and we were starving. blood sugar rapidly plummeting, we walked to a nearby bar-type place and got yummy pizza. suddenly, we realize that it's 6.30, and we have to be across town in half an hour. somehow, we managed to walk back, get both our cars, and make it to the dealership by seven.

eventually, we got to the mall. the only thing we accomplished, however, was amy's purchase of cute new converse. then it was time to pick up my car, chat briefly with my sister (she works at the dealership), and get out before the place closed.

so--not much accomplished. at least, not the way we'd planned it. but at least i didn't buy anything useless at the mall, no matter how much i was tempted at EMS.

but on a good note, supposedly i am getting a bunch of money back from the IRS this year (which never happens). now i don't feel quite so guilty about going to poland.


quotes of the day:

"if he were more attractive, he'd be...more attractive." -amy b

me: hi.
my dad: i wish i was.
me (without thinking): me, too.


today's internet diversionsTM

What kind of drunk are you?

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

My Mormon name is Amourette Bowdonna!
What's yours?

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